Marine Plastic pollution in the mediterranean sea – a legal and political challenge

Debeli rtič, SLOVENIA

10.-12.09.2023, Hotel Depandansa Bor, Debeli rtič, SLOVENIA

Registration open!


The Closing Conference of the ‘Clean Mediterranean Sea!’ (CMS!) project will take place from 10.-12. September 2023 in Debeli rtič, Slovenia.

The Conference will bring together speakers from academia, politics, civil society and business to discuss in-depth the project findings and legal policy recommendations elaborated in the course of the CMS! study, as well as legal and factual issues in relation to the ‘ticking bomb’ of marine plastic pollution and possible ways forwards.

The Clean Mediterranean Sea! Project

In light of the increasing plastic pollution of the Mediterranean Sea – whose maritime ecosystem is already heavily impacted by the effects of the climate crisis – Clean Mediterranean Sea! (CMS!) has researched the current legal and political measures and initiatives taken by the EU, OSCE and UN as well as the coastal states of the Mediterranean that are designed to counteract this development.

With interdisciplinary support from the Austrian marine biology NGO MareMundi and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Austria, as well as contributions by legal scholars from various universities and other academic institutions in coastal states of the Mediterranean Sea, CMS! has conducted interdisciplinary analyses on the topic and elaborated legal policy proposals and recommendations based on the research findings. These will be forwarded to the EU, the OSCE, the UN and the coastal states of the Mediterranean in advance of the Conference.


And join in on a fruitful exchange about tackling plastic pollution in the Mediterranean!


(final version)


If you arrive by train, bus or plane, we recommend to travel through Ljubljana (Slovenia), Pula (Croatia) or Trieste (Italy). From these cities, buses and trains are available to the town of Koper. The Hotel Depandansa Bor is located approx. 10 km north of Koper. A public bus connects Koper to the Hotel. However, we are happy to support you with organising a taxi or shuttle.


Contact us for accommodation options!

The CMS! Closing Conference can take place thanks to the financial support of the Hermann and Marianne Straniak Foundation, Switzerland.

Straniak Academy on

Democracy, Rule of Law and Human Rights

Impressum: Wiener Forum für Demokratie und Menschenrechte