EbrahimAfsahProfessor, Institut for European and International Law and Institute for Islamic Studies, University of Vienna
Shams AsadiHuman Rights Commissioner of City of Vienna, Head of the Human Rights Office of the City of Vienna
Walter BerkaProfessor, Public Law, University of Salzburg, deceased 15.7.2021, obituary (German)
Heiner BielefeldtProfessor, Institute for Politicial Science, Chair for Human Rights and Human Rights Politics,
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg 
Christina  BinderProfessor, Chair for International Law and Human Rights Law, Bundeswehr University Munich
MoritzBirkAdvocacy and Reserach Director, Amnesty International, Austria
Irene BricknerJournalist, Der Standard
AlfredDorferActor and cabaret artist
Vedran DzihicSenior Research Fellow, Austrian Institute for International Affairs
MercedesEchererActress, Cultural Activist, Director of EU XXL Film and Chairwoman of the Austrian Academy of Film
DanielEnnöcklProfessor, Institute of Law, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna and Substitute Member of the Constitutional Court
Friedrich ForsthuberPresident, Court of Vienna , Criminal Division, Vienna
SusanneFraczekManager, European Documentation Centre, Department for Legal Studies and
International Relations, University for Continuing Education Krems
Bernd-ChristianFunkDean and Program Director of the School of Law, Sigmund Freud University, Vienna;
Em Professor, Institute of Public and Administrative Law, University of Vienna
MarijanaGranditsAcademic Coordinator of the Vienna Master of Arts in Human Rights, University of Vienna;
former Member of the Austrian Parliament 1990–1994
PaulGuldaMusician, Pianist
JuliaHaasProject Manager OSCE-Representative on Freedom of the Media
OtmarHöllAssociate Professor; Lecturer at the Institute for Political Science, University of Vienna;
former Director of the oiip
Gregor HeißlUniversity Lecturer, Institute of Public Law, University of Innsbruck
MartinJäggleEm Professor, Institute for Theology; former Dean of the Catholic-Theological Faculty, University of Vienna; President of the Coordinating Committee for Christian-Jewish Cooperation; Editor representative Südwind Magazine
Michael KerblerJournalist, Co-Founder of Kombinat3
Cornelia KogojDirector of Initiative Minder­heiten
Alev KorunFormer Member of the Austrian Parliament, 2008–2017
Waltraut KotschyManaging Director of dsgvo-help, former Head of the Austrian Data Protection Authority
UrsulaKriebaumProfessor, Institute for European and International Law, University of Vienna
Manu KrishanProgramme Manager of the Global Study, Global Campus of Human Rights, Venice
OtmarLahodynskyJournalist, former President of the Association of European Journalists (AEJ), former editor of the magazine profil
AnnaMagoFairtrade Austria, Co-ordinator for Civil Socienty, Experts and Politics
FerryMaierInitiator Allianz Menschenwürde Österreich
SabineMatejkaPresident of the Association of Austrian Judges
Jana MesserschmidtLawyer
RolandMiklauformer Head of Section, Federal Ministry of Justice; Member of the Human Rights Advisory Council of the Federal Ministry of the Interior and of the Ombudsman Board (1999 – 2018)
Siroos                 MirzaeiHemayat, Support Center for Survivors of War and Torture,
Professor, Institute for Nucelar Medicine, Vienna
Rubina  MöhringHistorian, Author, Journalist, Chairwoman of the Board of Reporters Without Borders (RSF) Austria, deceased 2.3.2022
CorneliusObonyaActor and Director;
President of the Initiative Against Anti-Semitism in Austria
Theo ÖhlingerEm Professor, Institute for Constitutional and Administrative Law, University of Vienna,
former Director of the Federal Academy of Administration (deceased on 10 Dezember 2023)
HeinzPatzeltSecretary General, Amnesty International Austria
AntonPelinkaEm Professor, Political Science, Central European University
WolfgangPetritschDiplomat, President of the Marshallplan Foundation, Wien
Jörg PolakiewiczDirector of Legal Advice and Public International Law, Council of Europe
Vasilka  SancinAssociate Professor of Public and International Law, University of Ljubljana
Walter  SchachermayerEm Professor, Mathematics, University of Vienna
OliverScheiberJudge and Chair of the Institute for the Sociology of Law and Criminology
FionaSteinertProject and process design in the field of community media and civil society initiatives, co-founder of Radio Orange 94.0
KatharinaStembergerActress; Film Producer; Founder of “Courage”; Chairwoman of Integrationshaus
ChristianStrohalAmbassador, former Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights 2003 – 2008
WalterSuntingerHuman Rights Consulting Vienna
MarkusThomaJudge at the Administrative Court, long-standing judicial stakeholder, member of the CCJE
Christoph TschohlAcademic Director of the Research Institute – Digital Human Rights Center, Vienna
JosefWeidenholzerProfessor, Johannes Kepler University Linz,
former Member of the European Parliament and Member of the Subcommittee on Human Rights, former President of the Volkshilfe
MariaWittmann-TiwaldPresident of the des Commercial Court, Vienna and Co-Chair of the Expert Group on Fundamental Rights of the Association of Austrian Judges
Ruth WodakEm. Distinguished Professor of Discourse Studies, Lancaster University
RupertWolffPresident of the Austrian Bar Association
MartinaZandonellaSenior Researcher, SORA Institute for Social Research and Consulting
Alfred ZaunerEm Professor, Organizational Development at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration and
Human Rights Consulting Vienna